Photo taken by Brandon Turner @unsungheromedia
Who Is Morgan Bates?
Hi there! Thank you for checking out my work and taking the time to get to know a little bit about who I am as an artist!
I am a Digital Media student at Florida State College at Jacksonville currently working on my bachelor’s degree, focusing on digital photography and graphic design. Presently, I work full time as a payment processor for a management company, write and take photos for music columns "Get It In Your Ears with Morgan Bates," FSCJ's The Campus Voice, and EU Jacksonville Magazine. As long as I can remember I have wanted to be a part of the music industry. With my knowledge of and passion for music, digital photography and video, and graphic design, I believe the sky is the limit as to what we could accomplish together in this fast paced and forever changing industry.
Feel free to reach out anytime to discuss all the possibilities for success!